1) God's reconciling grace - shown not only by Christ's substituting death, but also His justifying righteousness - ensures a hope of future glory that not even suffering stands in the way of, but rather serves (Rom 5).
2) Because of their union with Christ, Christians are free from the bondage of sin; and yet they are commanded to resist the beckoning call of sin to rule their lives (Rom 6).
3)Because of their union with Christ, Christians are free from the bondage of the Law; and yet they are reminded that they belong completely to another - that is, Christ (Rom 7).
4)The Holy Spirit's presence in Christians' lives assures them that they will fulfill the Law's demands, and ultimately conquer sin and death, because of the inseverable, empowering, and Fatherly love of God towards them (Rom 8).
5)While it may now appear that God's promise to redeem Israel has failed - because Israel has rejected Christ - Christians must remember that not all ethnic Israelites are truly God's people; He is free to choose some and reject others. Also, prior to Christ's return, God will bring a massive number of Israelites to faith in Him. Therefore, God's promise will hold true after all (Rom 9-11).